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 - Feb 2, 2021 EASSI with new management

Press releaseBerlin, Feb 2, 2021, 01/21

EASSI – the European Association of the Surgical Suture Industry – will have a new executive team starting February 2021. Following the retirement of the previous General Secretary Elke Vogt, Clara Mailin Allonge and Lena Maria Richter will take over the management of the association.

Elke Vogt was a long-standing manager at BVMed - The German Medical Technology Association and has been entrusted with the management of EASSI for the last six years. After her retirement, the management remains in BVMed’s hands.

With Allonge and Richter, the association is led by a dual management team for the first time.

“We believe that as a team we can optimally contribute our skills and knowledge to achieve EASSI’s goals in the best possible way”, says Allonge.Richter adds: “We want to continue the good and successful work of Elke Vogt and address the issues that are currently of great concern to our members - from MDR to the consequences of the corona pandemic.”

With that in mind, both will increasingly strengthen the relations with EASSI’s strategic partners as well as with the responsible partners at EU level.

Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll, Managing Director of BVMed, welcomes this personnel decision:

“We are pleased to continue the close work with EASSI and are confident that Clara Allonge and Lena Richter are the right people to guide the association into the future.”

Clara Mailin Allonge (27) is a Manager for SMEs and Economic Policy at BVMed since November 2019. There she was already active during her studies at the Freie Universität Berlin, where she graduated with a Master of Science in Management and Marketing. Before she received her Bachelor of Arts in Social Economics with focus Business Administration at the University of Hamburg.

Lena Maria Richter (33) is the Executive Assistant to the CEO of BVMed. She graduated with a Master of Arts degree in German, Sociology and Book Studies from the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz in 2013. She was employed in various start-ups in the healthcare sector before joining BVMed in May 2019.

EASSI – the European Association of the Surgical Suture Industry – represents the interests of European manufacturers of surgical sutures and meshes. The 20 member companies are located in the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Spain and Switzerland.

Responsible according to the German press law: Clara Mailin Allonge & Lena Maria Richter, Secretaries
Reinhardtstr. 29 b, D - 10117 Berlin | Tel.: +49 (0)30 246 255-14 / -31; Fax: +49 (0)30 246 255-99,

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